How to Guide - How to categorise your prospects in Rare: Monitor
The client status feature empowers sales teams to manage their prospects more effectively with a simple drop down button.
The benefits are:
Using a pre-set list of terms, you can tag up accounts according to their current status. The status currently used in Rare: Monitor is as follows
Unqualified: Those prospects that you have not yet qualified.
Qualified: The types of prospects that you know are right for you.
Disqualified: Prospects that are not right for your business.
Nurturing: A live prospect that you are currently working on.
Rejected: A live prospect that is not interested in what you have to offer.
Dormant: Those that you have made contact with but they are not responding to your outreach.
Client: Those that are your current clients.
Lapsed: They used to be a client but are no longer.